Wydanie 283(17) 2011
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Przeglądaj Wydanie 283(17) 2011 wg Temat "effective microorganisms"
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Pozycja Open Access Zmiany zawartości żelaza i manganu w podkładach wykonanych z osadów ściekowych, słomy pszennej i popiołów fluidalnych z węgla kamiennego w połączeniu z efektywnymi mikroorganizmami (em-1) oraz w uprawianej na nich trawie Festulolium braunii odmiany Felopa(Wydawnictwo Uczelniane Zachodniopomorskiego Uniwersytetu Technologicznego w Szczecinie, 2011) Gibczyńska, Marzena; Hury, Grzegorz; Romanowski, Marcin; Brzostowska-Żelechowska, Danuta; Tarasewicz, Danuta; Zakład Chemii Ogólnej i Ekologicznej, Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny w Szczecinie; Katedra Agronomii, Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny w Szczecinie; Zakład Chemii Ogólnej i Ekologicznej, Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny w Szczecinie; Zakład Chemii Ogólnej i Ekologicznej, Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny w Szczecinie; Zakład Chemii Ogólnej i Ekologicznej, Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny w SzczecinieThe aim of this study was to assess the possibility of recultivation of coal fluidal ashes by combining them with fermented sewage sludge, straw and formulation effective microorganisms (EM-1). Based on the results of the three-year study with Festulolium braunii, variety Felopa, the influence of factors introduced in the experiment on the iron and manganese content in the soil and grass. The following components were used in the experiment: light soils, fluidal ash - provided by the Vattenfall Heat Poland Company in Warsaw, from CHP śerań, wheat straw, sewage sludge was collected from commune sewage. As factors activating biochemical processes the following substances were used: formulation of effective microorganisms (EM-1) and ceramic powder EM-X, which were provided by the Greenland Company. Results obtained in the experiment allow formulating the following conclusions. Application of activating substances, in the form of effective microorganisms (EM-1) formulation and EM-X ceramic powder, had no significant effect on the change of the content of exchangeable iron and total manganese in bedding and manganese in grass. After three years of experience bedding containing ash is still characterized by a higher iron content compared to the overall abundance of soil, although these quantities have been reduced compared to the initial period. Weight ratio of Fe/Mn in the grass, Festulolium braunii Felopa variety show that over time, reducing the amount of manganese in the grass going down to a greater extent than iron.