Effectiveness of Using Activity Tags in Manegement of High Producing Dairy Herd
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Wydawnictwo Uczelniane Zachodniopomorskiego Uniwersytetu Technologicznego w Szczecinie
W badaniach wykorzystano dwie grupy krów (jałówki oraz krowy) rasy HF,
którym zamocowano pedometry typu AfiAct oraz Gyuho na 65 dni. Analizowano aktywność
dobową i miesięczną krów, uwzględniając wiek, laktację, wielkość produkcji mleka, fazę laktacji
oraz termin wystąpienia rui. Określono efektywność wykorzystania obu modeli pedometrów
w wykrywaniu rui u krów i jałówek. Stwierdzono duże zróżnicowanie w dobowej aktywności,
w zależności od badanych czynników oraz wysoką skuteczność urządzeń w wykrywaniu rui
u krów (93–95%) i jałówek (89%). Stwierdzono, że najczęściej odpoczywają krowy w II laktacji;
najdłuższy czas odpoczynku charakteryzuje krowy do 100 dni laktacji, natomiast najwięcej
czasu na odpoczynek w ciągu doby potrzebują krowy o wydajności dziennej powyżej 40 kg
The study used four groups of Holstein-Friesian cows (2 heifers and 2 cows), which were fitted with pedometers (AfiAct and Gyuho) for a period of 65 days. Daily and monthly activity of the cows was analysed with regard to age, lactation, production level, lactation stage and the time of estrus onset. Efficiency of both pedometry systems in the detection of estrus in cows and heifers was determined. Large variations were found in daily activity depending on the treatment factors. Pedometers ensured high heat detection rates of 93–95% for cows and 89% for heifers. It was found that second lactation cows were the group that rested most often, the longest time spent resting per lying bout was characteristic of cows up to 100 days of lactation, and cows with a daily milk yield of more than 40 kg showed the longest resting time over a 24–hour period
The study used four groups of Holstein-Friesian cows (2 heifers and 2 cows), which were fitted with pedometers (AfiAct and Gyuho) for a period of 65 days. Daily and monthly activity of the cows was analysed with regard to age, lactation, production level, lactation stage and the time of estrus onset. Efficiency of both pedometry systems in the detection of estrus in cows and heifers was determined. Large variations were found in daily activity depending on the treatment factors. Pedometers ensured high heat detection rates of 93–95% for cows and 89% for heifers. It was found that second lactation cows were the group that rested most often, the longest time spent resting per lying bout was characteristic of cows up to 100 days of lactation, and cows with a daily milk yield of more than 40 kg showed the longest resting time over a 24–hour period
Słowa kluczowe
24-hour activity, dairy cattle, pedometers, aktywność dobowa, bydło mleczne, pedometry
Wójcik P., Rudziński J. (2014). Effectiveness of Using Activity Tags in Manegement of High Producing Dairy Herd. Folia Pomer. Univ. Technol. Stetin., Agric., Aliment., Pisc., Zootech. 315(32), 59–66.