The Role of Staining Techniques in Seminological Analysis of Mammalian Semen
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Wydawnictwo Uczelniane Zachodniopomorskiego Uniwersytetu Technologicznego w Szczecinie
The most important semen parameters are the concentration, motility and morphology of
sperm cells. Sperm morphology is regarded as the most reliable parameter for predicting fertility
in males. A problem in evaluating sperm morphology and morphometry is the lack of standardization
of staining techniques. The staining procedure and reagents used can significantly affect the
morphometric parameters of the sperm cell. The use of stains with different pH or osmotic
pressure, as well as the duration of the procedure, may influence the shape and size of the
sperm, and thus the result of the morphological evaluation of the semen. It is necessary to
develop an evaluation procedure for sperm morphology and morphometry that will minimize the
changes in the structure of the evaluated semen in relation to the native semen.
Słowa kluczowe
morphology, morphometry, semen, spermatozoa, staining techniques, morfologia, morfometria, nasienie, plemnik, techniki barwienia
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