Zbiorowiska muraw kserotermicznych i piaskowych na krawędzi doliny Odry w Owczarach
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Wydawnictwo Uczelniane Zachodniopomorskiego Uniwersytetu Technologicznego w Szczecinie
Ecological and phytosociological studies concerning plant communities carried out in:
Protected Area "Owczary", Ecological Arable Lands "Owczary I and II" and "Laski I and II" as
well as within Nature Reserve "Pamięcin" situated in Owczary or in its neighbourhood. 49
phytosociological relevés were taken on xerothermic and psammophilous grasslands. Four
communities in the rank of associations were distinguished. Phytocenoses of the Potentillo-
-Stipetum capillatae association - stipa grassland, are found on S and SW slopes, mainly on
soils formed from light loam of alkaline reaction, containing calcium carbonate. Similar soils are
settled by phytocenoses of Adonido-Brachypodietum pinnati, occurring on slopes and slope
tops of hills. They are a dominant community in the studied area. In the patches of association
there are practically no characteristic species of the Potentillo-Stipetum capillatae association.
The species of the Festucetalia valesiacae order and taxa characteristic of the Sileno otitis-
-Festucetum association are also less frequent. Within grasslands lying on sand two
communities were recognised, Sileno otitis-Festucetum and Diantho-Armerietum elongatae.
Phytocenoses of both associations are mainly settled on sandy soils of alkaline reaction (Sileno
otitis-Festucetum) and acid and slightly acid reaction (Diantho-Armerietum elongatae). Among
124 recorded species in plant communities there are taxa under strict species protection:
Anthericum liliago, Campanula sibirica, C. bononiensis, Orobanche lutea, Oxytropis pilosa,
Scorzonera purpurea, Stipa joannis and S. capillata. They are also settled by species which are
under partial species protection: Helichrysum arenarium, Primula veris and Ononis spinosa.
Except for protected species in communities, there are a series of rare species that are in
danger of extinction: Asperula tinctoria, Carex humilis, Eryngium campestre, Hieracium
echioides, Prunella grandiflora and Thesium linophyllum.
Słowa kluczowe
murawy kserotermiczne, murawy piaskowe, Owczary, rośliny chronione, stałość fitosocjologiczna, współczynnik pokrycia, zbiorowiska roślinne, constancy, cover coefficient, Owczary, plant communities, protected plants psammophilous grasslands, xerotermic grasslands
Kutyna I., Drewniak E., Młynkowiak E., (2012). Zbiorowiska muraw kserotermicznych i piaskowych na krawędzi doliny Odry w Owczarach. Folia Pomer. Univ. Technol. Stetin., Agric., Aliment., Pisc., Zootech. 293 (21), 61–88. https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12539/987