Zbiorowisko z Betula pendula i Populus tremula w zadrzewieniach śródpolnych zachodniej części Pojezierza Drawskiego





Młynkowiak, Elżbieta
Kutyna, Ignacy

Tytuł czasopisma

ISSN czasopisma

Tytuł tomu


Wydawnictwo Uczelniane Zachodniopomorskiego Uniwersytetu Technologicznego w Szczecinie


In the midfield afforestations of western part of Drawskie Lakeland step out the birchpoplar coppices, and in within them phytocenosis with Betula pendula and Populus tremula (Agrostio-Populetum tremulae tipical form and poor form), which was characterized basing on 19 phytosociological records. Betula pendula is a reigning species in community, and Populus tremula codominating. The verruculous birch (Betula pendula) occurs almost exclusively in layer of stand, however the aspen poplar (Populus tremula) is present and numerous in all layers of community. The structure of community builds 129 species, within them the most of forest species from − Querco-Fagetea class (32 taxa). In herbaceous layer predominate species from Molinio-Arrhentheretea class (24 taxa), less species occurs is from Artemisietea vulgaris class (16 taxa). The essential element of community structure is presence of species from Epilobietea angustifolii class (11 taxa). They decide about physiognomy of phytocenosis, because part of them achieves IV and V stability degree and considerable covering (e.g. Betula pendula S=V, D=3803, Populus tremula S=IV, D=763). The considerable variety of species in community results from its openness on penetration of species from different neighbouring habitats. From arable lands penetrate synanthropic species, and from meadows seminatural. Community of Betula pendula and Populus tremula is in phaze of reconstruction process of secondary succession aiming the direction of climax stage achievement - forest phytocenosis.


Słowa kluczowe

stałość fitosocjologiczna, współczynnik pokrycia, zachodnia część Pojezierza Drawskiego, zadrzewienia śródpolne, zbiorowiska roślinne, cover coefficient, phytosociological stability, plantigs midfield, plant communities, western part of Drawskie Lakeland


Młynkowiak E., Kutyna I. (2009). Zbiorowisko z Betula pendula i Populus tremula w zadrzewieniach śródpolnych zachodniej części Pojezierza Drawskiego. Folia Pomer. Univ. Technol. Stetin. 2009, Agric., Aliment. Pisc., Zootech. 271 (10), 113–126. https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12539/1166